Friday, May 20, 2011


Have you seen Rio yet?  If not...load up the kiddos and head to the theater. This movie is great. It's so colorful. We have been tossing around the idea of taking Cohen to the movies for about a month now. We couldn't decide if he was old enough to sit through a movie or if he would get scared. Saturday I brought up the thought of taking him to the movies again and we thought about it and decided we'd try it. Matinees are cheap and Cohen is free so if he starts crying or just doesn't like it we can leave and not feel like we wasted a ton of money. My little man did such a good job. We got our tickets and popcorn and slushies too and found our way to our seats. The theater provides booster seats for little ones so we picked one up, plopped it down in the seat, and sat Cohen on top. We gave him his sippy cup and a cup of popcorn. We couldn't have timed it better; the movie started playing as soon as we sat our butts in the seats. He sat and ate his popcorn and watched for about 40 minutes before making a peep. He even laughed a couple times. After about 40 minutes he got a little wiggly but we just took turns sitting him on our laps and letting him stand up on his booster seat...and NO we were not the obnoxious couple letting their children stand and block the view of other people in the theater. We were up at the top against the wall so there was no one behind us to block. Cohen seemed to have a lot of fun and it adds something to our list of "fun things we can do with Cohen" now that we know he likes to go to the movies.

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