Friday, May 6, 2011


Grandma and Grandpa Carey came to visit us for Easter. Easter and Christmas are my favorite holidays so I was really sad this year knowing we weren't traveling to Indiana for Easter, but a last minute trip from Grandma and Grandpa cheered me up!! 

This is Cohen's Grandma Nancy....this is who my family thinks Cohen looks like. I would have to agree!

Here's that fancy table Stu and Cohen were building. OH...and I got to cook so i was happy!  We ate breakfast and dinner outside on the deck everyday Grandma and Grandpa were in town.

Here's a family tradition (my mother's side). It's pickled eggs and beats. I think I was the only one who liked them, but that's ok!!  Keeping the tradition alive.

Here's another picture of the table without all the food on it.

Bunny Cohen

Grandpa Dave, Cohen and Grandma Nancy.

Our Family.

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