Friday, May 20, 2011

Weenie Wednesday

On Wednesday nights when the Zephyrs baseball team has home games they offer $1 weenies. We love weenies and who can pass up weenies for a buck. This was the first time this year we had been and we took Cohen with us and crossed our fingers he would behave. When we arrived at the field Stu bought our tickets and we helped Cohen climb three flight of stairs up to the top of the stadium. While we were walking in the National Anthem began so we stopped and waited quietly before heading to the weenie stand. My stomach was growling....i was gonna eat 4 weenies. We get up to the weenie stand and i notice the sign that is usually posted for $1 weenies is missing. I ask politely for a $1 wiener and I am told tonight it's $3 "Wine Wednesday" and that weenies are $4. WHAT...what happened to my beloved "WeenieWednesday"? I looked at Stu...with my growling belly. We were going to go broke buying wieners tonight. What a bummer!!  I can't enjoy $3 wine because I'm preggo and I'm starving and I am going to have to spend $16 on 4 wieners. Do you know how many packs of Jennio Turkey Franks I can buy with $16...I do...that would be 16 packs of Jennio Franks. I sucked it up and bought 5 weenies total. Two for me Two for Stu and one for Cohen and a bag of peanuts...oh and some nachos too. We spent $32 bucks!! 
ZEPHYRS - bring back weenie Wednesday so my family came come to games for cheap!!!  BTW - Cohen was really well behaved at the game and seemed to actually pay attention. We had a loud couple of people in front of us cheering the team on and he found them amusing!  Notice the lack of crowd in the picture....hmmm....maybe because THEY TOOK AWAY WEENIE WEDNESDAY.

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