Friday, May 6, 2011

Audubon Zoo

I'm laughing so hard as I go through our zoo pictures because I came across one where I had a flash back of "mistakes parents make" and this is one Stu and I can add to our ever growing list of parental oopsys. The zoo just opened a new exhibit called Cool Zoo. It's a splash area for kids and it looked amazing from all the commercials. Before we left that morning for the zoo we put a little swimmer diaper on cohen thinking it would save us time and headache trying to change him at the zoo in the Cool Zone. Well....take a look at this picture:

Let me tell you what you don't see...HA!  Cohen just peed on Grandma Nancy. He was sitting on her lap and peed and it went right out the little swimmer and down his legs onto Grandma Nancy's lap. I was just happy it was pee pee and not poo poo.  Grandma Nancy is a good sport and just laughed and laughed about it.

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