Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

family by stuflannery
family, a photo by stuflannery on Flickr.
My Mother's Day weekend was so much fun. We started celebrating on Friday night. Last month we bought tickets from our church for Vineyard in the Church. Our Church rented out the Carousel Gardens in City Park, which is like a carnival for kiddos. We rode the train and the carousel. Cohen was terrified of the carousel at first, but warmed up quickly once it started moving and he got to wave at daddy as we went round and round. They had free food and free ice cream, we took advantage of that. Cohen had his own ice cream cone for the first time. He destroyed it!!

We woke up early Saturday, packed up the MV (mini-van) and headed to Gulf Shores. We had no idea how Cohen would react to the beach...he LOVED it. He would scream and laugh when the waves came crashing in on his feet. I think we spent most of our time chasing Cohen who was chasing seagulls on the beach. They stole his sandwich...which was hilarious. I am not sure if Cohen liked the beach or the pool more.

Sunday morning we headed back down to the beach to enjoy a few more hours of sand, seagulls, and ocean before we drove home. We didn't last too long because Cohen fell face first in the sand and ate a bunch of it, which caused him to throw up...needless to say he wasn't happy after that so we packed up and went back to the hotel to swim.

My Mother's Day weekend ended with my very sweet husband vacuuming out our minivan and cleaning all the sand off the stroller, umbrellas, chairs, etc. He's the best!!

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