Friday, May 6, 2011

Fun Things

IMG_5558 by stuflannery
IMG_5558, a photo by stuflannery on Flickr.
This picture is of Cohen on our deck out back helping daddy build a table. Stu had a really great idea for a FREE table and he wanted to build it before grandma and grandpa Carey came to town. We spent one entire weekend building this table, which turned out amazing! The only expensive part was the bench cushion and umbrella.

We live in a neighborhood where everything is in walking distance...even the grocery store. So on occassion I put cohen in the stroller and we walk down to the grocery store to get a treat, which usually consists of us sharing an ice cream. They had popsicles on sale so I bought a box and gave him one when we got home. He made a big mess, but it was fun and he loves popsicles. Oh by the way did you notice i painted???  I was sick of the brown cave, so I painted. Stu didn't even notice...i had to tell him.

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