Monday, August 2, 2010

Audubon Zoo - Saturday July 30th, 2010

Originally uploaded by stuflannery
HOT HOT all I have to say about this weekend. Saturday started early with Cohen deciding he wanted to play at 5AM. I can't complain because he hardly ever wakes up before 7AM on the weekends. So after a diaper change and a new outfit...we all headed to Shoneys for the breakfast buffet. Stu and I loaded up on bacon and eggs and Cohen enjoyed a jar of banana baby food.

We made sure to arrive at the zoo as soon as the doors opened...10AM so we could leave before it got too hot to enjoy. I loved watching Cohen's face light up when he saw different animals. I wasn't sure if he would even have fun at the zoo since he's only 8 months old, but he did. I think he liked the elephants the most.

We rode the carousel...checked out the monkeys....saw the tigers and giraffes....and ended at the swamp exhibit watching the crocodiles where I rocked sleepy Cohen to sleep. We stayed for about two hours and that was enough for all of us.

We spent the rest of the day at Stu's office. I filed paperwork....Stu answered emails....and Cohen had a blast running around the huge office building in his walker.

On Sunday we went to church and had friends over for dinner. We are blessed that we now have friends who live 2 blocks from us. We ate chicken parmesan and shared good conversation.

Side Note: I ran to store to get ice about 3PM and when I got in the car (which had been sitting out in the sun) it read 117 degrees. Yesterday was miserably hot....there was no one outside. Our neighborhood was like a ghost town.

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