Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stu's 31st Birthday

We celebrated Stu's 31st quietly at home with a birthday cake....a homeade one I may add. The icing didn't quite turn out how I had planned, BUT it still tasted good. I whipped it too long. I found an old recipe for buttercream icing and use it.

I was so excited to get pictures of Stu with Cohen and Cohen having his first bite of birthday cake that I forgot to have Stu take any pictures of me and Cohen. I even went to the trouble of setting up the camera tri-pod and found the perfect angle so all three of us could get a photo with the pretty birthday cake I made....and then got exited and forgot to include myself in any cake photos. That being said all the photos you see of me are after the cake eating and baby washing (after cake we put him in the sink to wash him off). When I realized I didn't get any pictures with all of us and the cake I about cried. Oh least Stu has pictures with Cohen.

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