Friday, August 20, 2010

Ms. Eliza Jane Flannery

Originally uploaded by stuflannery
We are so excited Ms. Eliza is here!! Isn't she the prettiest lil' thing? She was born on Grandma Nancy's Birthday....August 18th. She weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 20 inches long. She came out looking like her daddy, but now I am not so sure. I think she looks like her big brothers.

I'm excited Cohen has another cousin to play and create fun memories with. Some of my best childhood memories are those I have with my east coast cousins.

I"m looking forward to Christmas this year when all the babies are together...I think there will be 8 babies at Christmas under the age of 1. It's hilarious watching them all play. 

Nic, Jenny, Eliza, Noah and Apollo.

Look at all that pretty hair!! 

I think Grandma is in love!

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