Monday, July 19, 2010

July Indiana Visit!!

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Originally uploaded by Nancy Carey
When I think of Indiana my heart just races and I get exited. Excited to see family and friends...Indiana is where my heart is. Every time we visit it gets a little harder to come back to New Orleans and leave everyone I love, but we are stuck right now and there's nothing I can do about it. Stu and I make the best of a situation neither one of us is all that thrilled about. The city is truly beautiful and we know we won't be here forever (we hope not) and that thought makes it bearable.

Our trip was great. Every time we've visited since Cohen was born it's only been with family and this time we actually spent time with our friends...and we had a blast. We spent a little time with family too (pictured above), but the reason for the trip was to see all of our friends at the Oldenburg Fruedenfest. I forgot my camera so there are no pictures to post of the Fruedenfest.

On Saturday we went to Grandma Edna's to visit with her and all the other cousins. There are six babies all within 3 months of each other right now and watching them play together is just hilarious. All the babies can crawl but Cohen. He just gets on all four and humps right now. He gets frustrated that he can't crawl. As always we brought Cohen's favorite thing in the entire world (other that jars of baby food - that might actually be his favorite thing) we brought Tina the giraffe. Cohen was not the only baby who enjoyed Tina. Tina was a popular little giraffe that day....everyone seemed to get a turn chewing on her...thanks Mimi for getting Cohen Tina.

We won't be back in Indiana until Christmas....and that makes me sad, but we do have a lot of family and friends coming our way for a visit!!

Thanks to Mimi and Grandpa Dave we have pictures of our visit!!!

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