Monday, August 30, 2010

A rainy weekend

What a rainy weekend. I guess it went hand in hand with the city's remembrance of Hurricane Katrina. Since we didn't get to venture outside or do anything on our list of "To-Do's" (all of which were outside) we did what we could inside and played with Cohen. It's funny how sometimes we think we need all kinds of toys and games to entertain ourselves and then a moment like this (video) comes along and you realize a frozen popsicle can be quite the entertainment for an almost 9 month old.

I know I say this a lot in my blogs but this has to be one of the happiest babies in the world. This kid is something else. I often wonder if my other children will be as happy and content. Nothing seems to get this little guy down.

Some things we did this rainy weekend:

- found old hats and tried them on
- helped daddy work on his new project out at the airport
- baked a cake
- made cinnamon rolls
- watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (A LOT)
- got a new haircut (Cohen looks like Lloyd from Dumb & Dumber)
- went to church
- played in the laundry while mommy attempted to fold it

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