Monday, September 13, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Teri and Don (aka Gramps and Mimi) came to visit "us"....more to visit Mr. Cohen. The weather was amazing the entire time they were in. I am sure to them it was still sun scortching H.O.T, but to us it was much cooler and enjoyable then it had been the weeks before. It was enjoyable enough for all of us to gear up on the bikes and head to City Park. I had just recently ordered Cohen a bike carrier for the front of my bike. We have a pull behind child cart, but the roads are so bumpy and full of holes that I am scared I'll bounce Cohen out or he'll get hurt.  Gramps pulled the dogs in the child cart and I toted Cohen on the front of my bike. He squealed...happy squeals most of the way to the park.

On Sunday we had Cohen baby's dedication at church. It was so great to have Gramps and Mimi share this with us. 

Cohen kept trying to hold the hand of this little boy in the picture. Every time I would try and pull him away he would start to cry. 

Gramps and Mimi brought up a big boy bike for this time next year he'll be zipping around the house on it. Cohen LOVED this bike and would honk the horn with his mouth. 

Here are some other fun photos from Gramps and Mimi's visit:


Catherine said...

I can't believe how big he is! How did he grow up so fast? I LOVE that bike seat. I would love to know where you found it. I think my boy would much prefer riding in that. Looks like it was a fun Labor Day!

Stu and Andrea Flannery said...

They grow up way too fast!! I can't believe you have another one on the way...that's exciting. The bike seat is called a Kangaroo WeeRide and i ordered it off of Amazon. This thing is amazing. I have one of those child pull behind carts but this is much easier and I really like that I can see Cohen while I ride. The reviews on it are what convinced me to buy it!! I have no complaints so far.