Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My 29th Birthday

My 29th Birthday
Originally uploaded by stuflannery
29...WOW...where in the world has time gone? The thought of 29 is scary to me...maybe because I know 30 will creep up faster then I want it to. I can remember thinking 30 was old when I was kid. I have examined my face a thousand times since my birthday to see if I could find any more wrinkles or evidence of aging. Just yesterday I took notes on finances in your 30's and which face creams I should be using to prevent wrinkles in my next decade…two things that seem to be heavy on my mind lately.

My little family of three celebrated my birthday at a restaurant...we all ate too much...so much in fact...there was NO room for dessert, but Stu made that up to me this past weekend when he took me to dairy queen for ice cream. I know you're probably thinking Dairy Queen? Really? But oh yes...we just recently found this heavenly Dairy Queen. The closest one to us used to be Mississippi and we'd stop in on every trip back from Florida and Indiana. There is nothing in the world like Dairy Queen ice cream. There are very limited chain restaurants in this city, which some might think is great, but when you are craving something in particular and it doesn’t exist where you live…it gets frustrating. Thank goodness for friends and family who send us care packages of food we can’t get here (thanks Uncle Jet)!! My Uncle Jet for my birthday…sent me a HUGE care package of Tastykakes. These are an east coast snack I ate when I was a kid visiting my Pop Pop and Nanny. The butterscotch krimpets are my favorite.

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