Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Monday evening bike ride

Monday evening bike ride
Originally uploaded by stuflannery
The weather yesterday was perfect. This was the first time in months I opened up my front door and was not greeted with a hot, stiff, cloud of air. It was sunny and cool...84 degrees cool. I waited for Cohen to wake up from his afternoon nap and then I loaded up the bike and we rode up and down the streets in our neighborhood. We talked about the trees, the cars, houses, dogs, holes in the road, people on the streets, etc. I'm not really sure what Cohen was saying back to me as I chatted his ear off, but whatever he was saying sounded like he was enjoying himself. Before we left I threw a couple dollars in the backpack so we could stop by one of the three snowball stands around our neighborhood. We sat under the colorful umbrella at the snowball shop and shared a banana cup of ice.

When Stu came home from work we quickly filled our bellies outside on the back deck and once again hopped on our bikes and rode up and down the oak lined streets in our neighborhood. We were not the only ones enjoying this weather...it seemed like everyone was out and about greeting everyone as they rode by on bikes, or strolled along walking or pushing their children and pets in stollers. I even think I might have smelled Fall while riding my bike. I'm not sure if it was just in my head as I am envying everyone back home in Indiana right now who is experiencing the cool fall like weather or if i actually did smell the begining of Fall.

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