Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cohen 3 Months

Cohen 3 months

You are very alert...and nursing is becoming harder because you want to look around at everything
You changed your mind about getting a bath... you LOVE it
You sleep 11 hours straight at night.
Your bed time is 6:30PM and I wake you up at 5:30AM
You like Jack Johnson and Lynyrd Skynyrd
You also really like Bob Marley
You like to watch sit in your swing and coo and kick your little legs
When daddy plays the guitar you try to sing with him
You loved Mardi Gras
You got to hang out with Mimi and Gramps for a few days...they babysat while dad and I worked
You've been out to dinner a few sleep
You are such an easy baby it makes me wonder what your siblings are going to be like
You weigh 16.5 pounds and wear size 6-9 months
You are staring to enjoy tummy time more
You are the most vocal baby I don't cry you just talk and talk and talk...daddy says you inherited that from me HA!!

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