Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Stu and I have what we call Zingers and we kinda keep score on who got who best. Here's a good one that happened a few weeks ago:

Let me set the scene:

4:00PM - I'm picking up the house. There is stuff everywhere...mainly Stu's stuff. shoes shoes shoes and more shoes. Did I mention shoes? Some clothes...some cups on the coffee table...ooooh receipts. I've never met anyone who holds onto receipts like Stu.  I find them everywhere. ...and his socks...those get stuffed everywhere too like down in the sofa cusions...under the TV console...on the kitchen table...on the floor...everywhere. I'm begining to get frustrated since I had just picked up everything the night before.

5:30PM - Stu comes in from work and I am in the kitchen cooking dinner and attempting to keep Cohen occupied.

                STU:     How was your day?
                ME:      It was good. How was your day?
                STU:     Busy
                ME:       Mine too. When I got home from work I went up stairs took off my clothes and searched everywhere for "it" but I wouldn't find "it."
                STU:     (look of confusion) Looked for what?
                ME:       I searched my arms, legs, my head...maybe it was on my back and I didn't see it. (lift up back of shirt) Do you see it?
               STU:      (Stu is looking at my back) What am I looking for?
               ME:        The word "Maid" (big smile)
               STU:       (Smiling)  HA....that's funny. Where on my body does it say "Complaint Department"

LOL!!  He got me good.

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