Sunday, February 21, 2010

First week back at work

(Cohen first day without me - heading to the babysitter's house.) 

I survived my first week back at work.  The first day went like this:

5:00AM - Jump on elliptical for 30 minutes

5:35AM - Get Cohen up (I cry) change his diaper (crying), put on his outfit (still crying)

5:40AM - Nurse Cohen (pull myself together)

6:10AM - Get Stu's lunch together (cry) and pack up diaper bag (crying hard)

6:20AM - Play with Cohen and kiss him like 100 times (Cohen starts crying from too many kisses)

6:30AM - Pull it together for 5 seconds before I start crying again as I kiss him and Stu goodbye.

After Stu and Cohen left I jumped in the shower to get ready for the rest of my day. My mind was everywhere. All I thought about was Cohen. Will he sleep enough?  Will he eat enough? Will he get played with enough?

I put my clothes on for work, which I will admit it felt REALLY good to slip into my stiletto heels. Being a mom with a new is not a word I would use to describe how I felt for the past 10 weeks. For the first time in 10 weeks I felt sexy. No pajama greasy hair hidden behind a ball baby spit up on my shirt.  I hadn't worn heels in about 9 months so I about killed myself in them while blow drying my hair. I even thought I'm either going to die of a broken heart or death by a stiletto.

On the way to work I just cranked up the music in my car to keep my mind off Cohen and sang. Stevie Wonder - Superstition is what blared in my car.

Stu bought me a digital picture frame for my desk at work so as soon as I walked in I got it all set up so I could watch videos and picture slides of Cohen all day. I was insanely busy at work so my day went fast and I didn't have a lot of time to focus on missing Cohen.

Honestly being back at work felt great. I love Cohen & Stu more than anything, but I really love my career too and juggling both is gonna be an adventure.


Olivia's Mommy said...

you will survive it!!! :) it may seem like juggling, but the balance will come naturally in time!

aheacox13 said...

Girrrrrl....I know the feeling. Leaving the babe gets easier with time. Hang in there...I know after work it will seem like you can't get home fast enough.