Friday, March 11, 2011


IMG_5344 by stuflannery
IMG_5344 a photo by stuflannery on Flickr.
We took a trip to Philly to see Jackie, Steve, and Gavin. Cohen was terrible on one flight, but great on the rest. We received MANY judging eyes while on the plane with our loud very vocal baby. I just kept cramming food in his mouth but it didn’t really slow him down…just made a mess. Once we arrived…Cohen was great. It was cold in Philly….we had to stop at Babies-R-Us to get a hat and some gloves. We took the babies to the aquarium and I was blown away at Cohen’s reaction. I had no idea he would love it as much as he did. He was clapping and bouncing and running around.

It was fun watching Gavin and Cohen interact. They don’t understand what to do around each other, but it’s still fun watching them. Cohen’s def. a little rough around Gavin so we had to watch him like a hawk.

We were going to head to New York on Saturday, but it was just too cold so we went to Hershey and visited the Hershey chocolate factory. This was my FAVORITE place as a child. It brought back so many memories of me and Jackie and Julie when we were little.

The flight home was terrible. We got to the airport and realized our flight out had been delayed, which meant we would miss our connecting flight so the flight attendant found us a straight through flight….so why is this terrible??? Well….after we all boarded our plane and headed to take off we were turned around and sent back to the gate because our plane had mechanical issues that needed to be looked at. We ended up getting to New Orleans about 10:30PM. It was a long day.

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