Friday, March 11, 2011


YAY… Flannery #2 will be here around September 30th.  We already had our first appointment and even got to see and hear the heartbeat. With Cohen I knew right away I was having a boy, but this time around I don’t have a clue. No sense of what sex the baby is at all. I can’t wait to find out. I’m terribly nauseous this time. With Cohen I was an eating machine at this point. I think I even gained 10 pounds the first trimester. Not so much this time….It’s hard to stomach anything.  Hopefully this passes when second trimester starts!!  We are staying put in New Orleans the rest of this year since baby is coming instead of trying to move back to Indiana. We had originally planned to move back this summer.

1 comment:

Olivia's Mommy said...

I am so happy for you. A lot of people have said that if you are sick like that then it will be a girl, but I was never sick with Olivia so it is really up in the air. I hope you have a girl though! They are so fun! Miss you and now that Julie is moving away..:( I can't wait for you to move back so I can visit ya!