Monday, October 18, 2010

Fall Photos at Red Bluff Farm Folsom, LA

Originally uploaded by stuflannery
This was our second attempt at Fall family photos. The first attempt was a fail due to the 100 degree weather forecast for last Saturday. I had went shopping for outfits for our photos and naturally bought cool weather clothes assuming that mid October might be cooler than 100 degrees....i was proven wrong. As bad as I wanted to take photos last weekend risking all of us having heat stroke and sweaty family photos was not worth it.

I had no idea how difficult it would be to find a pumpkin patch...this took a lot of googling, but i finally managed to find a farm (Red Bluff Farm) about an hour north of our house that had pumpkins. The farm was nice, had a few pumpkins and a petting farm. Cohen seemed to really enjoy the baby cows and pigs. We also took photos at City favorite place in New Orleans. We had so much fun playing with Cohen and watching his curiosity. He wasn't sure about the feel of grass on his hands and knees, which triggered many laughs from Stu and I. He's such a fun little guy.

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