Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blueberry Picking - Poplarville, MS

Blueberry Picking
Originally uploaded by stuflannery
We went blueberry picking this morning. We paid $10 a gallon for our hand-picked blueberries. Since blueberries are a staple of my grocery list this will save us some money...I normally pay $5 for a tiny container. Picking was fun and there were a few other families out picking early this morning too. Cohen, as always, was excellent. He just talked in his hiker and grabbed branches as we passed by. It was really hot and the little guy was sweating like crazy. He did manage to give us a scare...since everything goes in this kid's mouth nowadays he managed to pull off a leafy twig and get it into his mouth. He started making gagging noises and i turned around and saw a big leafy branch hanging out of his mouth, but with a quick finger swipe I got it out. He just looked at me like "what was that"?...he's so funny. Here are some more pictures from our day.

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