Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Monday

I love Mondays...I get to work from home and spend time with Cohen. It was gorgeous outside today so I set up my command station (aka computer and table) outside. Halfway through the day I decided to blow up Cohen's mushroom pool...after a lot of huffin' and puffin' I got it blown up. I didn't put any water in it since he can't sit up yet but i propped him up against his boppy and threw a few toys in. Cohen was in heaven. Stu came home for lunch and played with us too...what a fun day.

After an hour of playing outside....he needed a nap!

I love my boys...

On Sunday we packed up and went to the park for the afternoon. When we pulled up Cohen started crying and crying and crying...I couldn't do anything to stop it. Obviously it was loud because a few people packed up their blankets and moved...Ooops!  Oh well more room for us and our 500 baby items. This is something I'm still adjusting to...hauling everything but the kitchen sink every time we go out with baby. For some reason it seems like we always remember all the know the 5 Dr. Seuss toys...8 rattles just in case he gets tired of the first 7, but we always seem to forget the important the diapers. Well at least with all the other junk we're hauling around he'll be happy while sitting in his poopy.

 I couldn't have asked for a better day. Like always I took a ba-jillion pictures so here ya go:

Cohen was sportin' his Purdue Hat....daddy's so proud.

This face melts my heart. 

My two favorite people in the world:

daddy's relaxing with his book:

Tub Time!!

Cohen went from hating bath time to loving everything about bath time. I can't wait until he can sit up on his own and splash around...right now I do it for him and he just laughs. Cute pics of Mr. Cohen:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Stu and I have what we call Zingers and we kinda keep score on who got who best. Here's a good one that happened a few weeks ago:

Let me set the scene:

4:00PM - I'm picking up the house. There is stuff everywhere...mainly Stu's stuff. shoes shoes shoes and more shoes. Did I mention shoes? Some clothes...some cups on the coffee table...ooooh receipts. I've never met anyone who holds onto receipts like Stu.  I find them everywhere. ...and his socks...those get stuffed everywhere too like down in the sofa cusions...under the TV console...on the kitchen table...on the floor...everywhere. I'm begining to get frustrated since I had just picked up everything the night before.

5:30PM - Stu comes in from work and I am in the kitchen cooking dinner and attempting to keep Cohen occupied.

                STU:     How was your day?
                ME:      It was good. How was your day?
                STU:     Busy
                ME:       Mine too. When I got home from work I went up stairs took off my clothes and searched everywhere for "it" but I wouldn't find "it."
                STU:     (look of confusion) Looked for what?
                ME:       I searched my arms, legs, my head...maybe it was on my back and I didn't see it. (lift up back of shirt) Do you see it?
               STU:      (Stu is looking at my back) What am I looking for?
               ME:        The word "Maid" (big smile)
               STU:       (Smiling)  HA....that's funny. Where on my body does it say "Complaint Department"

LOL!!  He got me good.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Cohen 3 Months

Cohen 3 months

You are very alert...and nursing is becoming harder because you want to look around at everything
You changed your mind about getting a bath... you LOVE it
You sleep 11 hours straight at night.
Your bed time is 6:30PM and I wake you up at 5:30AM
You like Jack Johnson and Lynyrd Skynyrd
You also really like Bob Marley
You like to watch sit in your swing and coo and kick your little legs
When daddy plays the guitar you try to sing with him
You loved Mardi Gras
You got to hang out with Mimi and Gramps for a few days...they babysat while dad and I worked
You've been out to dinner a few sleep
You are such an easy baby it makes me wonder what your siblings are going to be like
You weigh 16.5 pounds and wear size 6-9 months
You are staring to enjoy tummy time more
You are the most vocal baby I don't cry you just talk and talk and talk...daddy says you inherited that from me HA!!