Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy 1/2 Birthday Stu!!

Every year Stu reminds me for weeks about his half birthday. This year he decided to start reminding me about it for two weeks. Everyday he would ask "Do you know what February 3rd is?"  I always responded "I refuse to acknowledge a half birthday."  This year I already knew I was going to do something special and surprise him....so for two weeks I blew off his reminders. Well...the day of his half birthday he failed to mention the day at all to me, which worked out perfectly. He got busy with work and just forgot about it. Cohen and I decorated the house, bought him a gift and cupcakes. We had so much fun....and Stu was SO SURPRISED when he walked in the door and saw us in our party hats. I think we might keep this as a tradition for our kids. It was a lot of fun.

1 comment:

aheacox13 said...

You are such a good wife!