Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cohen goes to Church...a STINKY situation.

We waited until Cohen was 6 weeks old to take him to church because I was nervous about him getting sick. We go to a Vineyard Church which is HUGE and has a lot of children. The week before we took him to church I went and bought him a new outfit, which I'll post pics of later.

I was nervous that Sunday morning because I knew I wasn't going to put him in the nursery yet so that meant I would be holding him the entire service. I made sure I packed enough milk for a week! He was so good in church. He loved the music, which is one of my favorite things about Vineyard Churches...the music is always over the top. There was one issue with Cohen at church....he had GAS....BAD!  It was loud and extremely stinky and seemed to linger. I felt sorry for Stu because I know no one sitting around us believed this little baby or his mommy was rippin' the farts....the only one to blame and be disgusted with was Stuart.

1 comment:

aheacox13 said...

He's so cuuuute! His hair is really getting lighter too!