Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cohen at 2 months

Mr. Cohen - you bring so much joy to your mom and dad and you don't even know it yet.  Here is what you are doing at 2 months.

- you have made it VERY clear you don't like baths. You scream and your face turns red.
- you are beginning to like the car seat.
- your favorite binky is the "mam" one and I finally found another one today. I have been looking hard.
- you are happy the majority of the time. You only seem to cry when you are tired.
- you sleep about 7 hours straight at night on average.
- you love your snuggie.
- you love your bouncy seat. I put you in it one day because I had to pee really bad and needed a quick spot to stick you. I figured you were still too young to use...boy was I wrong. It is your favorite thing, Your face lights up every time you get in it.
- your head control is amazing.
- you love to lay in your crib and laugh at me and your bumble bee mobile.
- you have been skyping with mimi and gramps.
- you took your first trip to Indiana
- you laugh
- you mimic my facial expressions
- you got your shots....that was a rough night for you.
- you weigh 13.9 pounds - you nurse A LOT!!

1 comment:

aheacox13 said...

He is the cutest little guy!