Monday, November 23, 2009

Baby Update

If Baby Flannery doesn't arrive by next Wednesday, December 2nd the doctors have decided to take him.  They will induce me.  My doctor recently discovered after an ultrasound that Baby Flannery's heart has an abnormality and the doctors are not sure how severe it is. After seeing MANY specialists and a pediatric cardiologist the past week the doctors feel I need to deliver at the main heart hospital here. They have set up a team of cardiologists to see the baby after he comes out and be able to fix anything if needed. I had to switch doctors and hospitals during my 9th month, which if you've already had a baby understand this is kind of a hard adjustment.

So...if you are reading this say a little prayer for Baby Flannery that everything with his heart will turn out to be ok.

As of today baby weighs 8lbs 3oz so by next week he's gonna be a big bubba. I'm hoping I can push him out.

On a happy note...I can't believe I get to meet my little guy next Wednesday. I'm so excited to be a mommy.

FUNNY NOTE: today when the doctor told us they were going to take the baby next Wednesday Stu's face lost all color and turned white. It took awhile for the color to come back. Stu was also very excited because since we found out I was pregnant he said we'd have the baby December 2nd so he could very well be right, but Baby Flannery could still come before =)


Laura said...

You are in our prayers. We can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful little boy. Good luck with everything. It's so exciting to know that you will be holding your baby by the end of next week! Good luck and even though I'm sure you are uncomfortable and miserable try to enjoy your last week of being pregnant. : ) I know I miss feeling Calvin kicking me everyday!

Unknown said...

Stu and Andrea
I will continue to keep baby Flannery and you guys in my prayers.
I'm so thankful they caught his heart problem early so that they are prepared. Doctors can do so much nowadays.
As Laura said, enjoy being pregnant, cause believe it or not you will miss it.
Stu needs to find work around here so that the baby can get to know all of his cousins.

Olivia's Mommy said...

Awww Dre is going to be a mommy soon!! How exciting...I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers, I just know everything will work out great!! Hopefully you can push that baby out!! Olivia was thought to be over 10lbs so they made me get a C-Section hopefully that doesn't happen to you! Love ya Girl!

indybarb said...

Best of luck to the little Flannery family. I am glad you will be delivering at the heart hospital so that they will be prepared to do anything necessary right away. Scary and exciting all at the same time I am sure. You are in my prayers always : )

Mommy Barb

Unknown said...

Hello Andrea' Stu, and baby Flannery in the oven! You three are in our prayers. Switching to a cardiac hospital was a great idea. It's amazing what specialists can do. Enjoy your next few pregnant days. Get some rest and enjoy eating for two while you can. We miss you.
Love from Washington,
Abby and Pete