Friday, November 6, 2009

If you can't find it...try the refrigerator?

Since the beginning of my pregnancy I have thrown around the term "pregnancy brain" loosely. Blaming things here and there on the "pregnancy brain". NOW however....I have come to full grips with the term "pregnancy brain". It is aweful and it really exists...I swear to it.

I am a very organized person (I'm a Virgo)...everything has a place...and I'm really good about putting things back where they belong....THAT WAS UNTIL...I entered the 8th month of pregnancy. Stu and I have no idea where I put things most of the time. The weirdest thing is most of the items I lose we find in the refrigerator. This must be because being pregnant I am always in the refrigerator looking for food, so why not just put everything in there??? HMMMM....the other day Stu came home from work opened the refrigerator and asked me why the Windex was in it....random things have appeared in there (socks, pens, pads of post it notes, dish soap, dog food bowl, keys, etc) This morning we couldn't find one of the Netflix DVD's and Stu actually asked me if i looked in the refrigertaor yet...and the sad thing is he wasn't joking...HA!!


Here is this morning's conversation with Stu while he's in the bathroom shaving and I'm standing outside the door watching him....the conversation goes like this:

STU: humming some tune I don't know
ME: Hey...I was reading yesterday on the internet about how much weight I should lose right after having the baby.
STU: Uh-huh (obviously not interested in this conversation)
ME: (Ignore the fact he is not interest in this conversation...continue talking....)  blah blah blah they say  by 8 weeks post baby I could lose 20 depends on how much of the weight was water retention.
STU:  I don't think you'll lose that much in 8 weeks
ME: (running images through my mind of my hands around his neck choking him)

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