Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Currently We Are...

24 Weeks and 3 Days Pregnant -
Baby Flannery is kicking up a storm. WOW...this little guy is active. His favorite place to jump is my bladder. He practices jumping on it all day long. We can see my stomach jumping around now when Baby kicks. Baby Flannery is definetly giving me exercise since I am now waking up a good 5/6 times a night to pee. Stu is getting really good/fast at rolling me out of the bed.

Baby is about 12 inches long and weighs just a little over a pound. 

Painting Baby Flannery's Nursery -
We decided to go with a Dr. Seuss theme for his little room. We found and registered for all the Dr. Seuss baby bedding and are working hard on cutting and painting giant colorful puzzle pieces to hang on his walls. We can't paint the nursery so to add color we had to get creative. Our wonderful friends Steven and Lauren hand painted a Dr. Seuss mirror for us to hang in Baby Flannery's room and my mom purchased and framed some Dr. Seuss artwork. We have an armoire we are in the process of sanding down and painting black to match the crib my sister gave us.

Registered for Prenatal Classes:
Whenever I think about Stu and I taking these classes I just laugh inside when I picture what Stu's facial expressions could potentially look like while listening to an instructor. I'm sure I'll have some stories to share. Anyway...this is what our upcoming calendar looks like:

Oct. 7 - Lamaze 6:30 -9PM Caldwell Room 2nd floor Brent House

Oct. 14 - Lamaze 6:30-9PM Lejeune Room 2nd Floor Brent House
Oct. 21 - Lamaze 6:30-9PM Lejeune Room 2nd Floor Brent House
Oct. 28 - Lamaze 6:30-9PM Lejeune Room 2nd Floor Brent House
Nov 2 - Breast Feeding Class 7PM Monroe Hall
Nov. 3 - Prenal Class Deliver 7:30-9:30PM Monroe Hall
Nov. 4 - Happy Baby Class 7PM Burns Room 2nd Floor Brent House
Nov 10 - Delivery Class 7:30-9:30 Monroe Hall
Nov 17 - Delivery Class 7:30 -9:30Monroe Hall
Nov 24 - Delivery Class 7:30-9:30 Monroe Hall

Trying to pick a name:
Picking out a name for your child has to be the hardest thing. I'm convinced our baby will remain nameless for years because we'll never decide on one. Any suggestions?

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