Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Don't mind the hobo hair?

This was one crazy week.This picture was taken right after Cohen pooped in the tub. Stu worked late this entire week so I freaked out because I was gagging from the poopy (first trimester nausea) and my baby was sitting in the tub with it floating around. I had no choice, but to tackle the issue. I will admit I was sweating. The week only got worse. The next day I switched vehicles with Stu and I forgot to grab a house key and locked Cohen and I out. At first I thought no big deal I grab the hidden key, but to my surprise the hidden key was missing...thank you stu for not putting it back. There I was with crying/cranky baby, stu was in a meeting until 7PM and our neighbors who have a spare work with Stu and are in the same meeting. BTW is 4PM...I have to kill 3 hours. baby loves to eat so I took him to Wendy's to get a happy meal. Being pregnant and locked out of the house....I was about to pee my pants at this point so I rush with Cohen in the Wendy's bathroom and gave him my keys to play with. When I stood up Cohen threw my keys, which landed in the yep...I had to reach my hand in the toilet and pull out my keys. I did manage to keep Cohen entertained for abour an hour and a half in Wendy's with his happy meal toys. Luckily Stu's meeting ended early and I got home at 6PM.

YAY!!  I survived the first trimester. It was tough. I didn't have any morning sickness with Cohen...instead I was hungry all the time and gained a ton of weight in the first trimester...not this time. I was sick. Everything made me sick. I still can't change poopy diapers without covering my face. Meat was the worst. I couldn't look at it, cook it, smell it, eat it....we ate out a lot.  I'm 14 weeks 5 days preggers in these pictures. I haven't gained any weight yet, but my doctor is not worried. She said it will come.


aheacox13 said...

Oh I remember...I couldn't stand meat either for a while. Yuck!

indybarb said...

I am cracking up because you know how much chicken I eat regularly.....well, when I was pregnant with Alex I couldn't stand to eat it, or smell it, or touch it, or even think about it. It all made me SICK!! I locked myself out of the house once when Kate was a toddler and she completely freaked out over that episode. Ever since then I keep a key hidden outside (except for last year when I decided that hiding one in the garage was a good place because I have a keypad outside for the garage door....well, guess what, I was using the blower out on the back porch and blew a fuse and it was the same fuse that the garage door is connected to and I had to spend a bunch of money for a locksmith to let me in). There is now a key hidden outside. So, Andrea, find a good hiding place and you will never have to go through what you went through last week again ; ) I sure do miss you, but I am glad I still get to hear funny stories!