Monday, January 17, 2011

Cohen Update...

I have no idea the last time I just typed a post updating on Cohen's accomplishments...and "NO" I'm not going to flip back through my posts and find out. It will probably just end up making me feel bad. Cohen's latest trick is spinning in circles. This is quite hilarious. He will spin and spin and spin....THEN....he tries to walk. I know you've seen the baseball game where the guys spin around on a bat and then attempt to run the's kind of like that. Today he spun in the kitchen and then face planted into the dishwasher. I thought for sure a meltdown was approaching, but nope...he picked his red scuffed face up off the floor and began spinning again. This time he sideways smacked into the refrigerator and face planted onto the ceramic tile. This time....the meltdown came full force. He bit his lip. The best is when he spins and then takes off freaks me out because he smacks into everything.

Not only does he spin and hit random objects he has figured out how to climb everything. Then after he climbs it he stands up and sometimes "jumps" (falls) off. You'd think after a couple falls he'd stop....not this kid.

He loves to hide and jump out and scare us and he likes for us to scare him back.

Wrestling is probably his all time favorite. He wrestles me more than his dad. Maybe he likes my fake side punches.

He loves to read books. Thank you if you got him a book for christmas.

His best bud is our boston terrier Bosco. He tries to ride Bosco like a pony.

He loves to swing at the park and he loves other children.

When he thinks I'm not looking he gives treats to the dogs.

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