Monday, January 17, 2011


Christmas was sooooo much better this year than last. Not because I got more presents, or better presents, but because I got to spend so much time with everyone. My husband graciously talked me into leaving a week before him. At first I didn't want to because I had somehow created a picture in my mind of lonely Stu sitting at the house night after night all by himself....silly I know. It took him about a month to convince me to just buy a plane ticket and go. I am so happy I did. Last year we were rushed around from home to home that I didn't feel like I got to spend any quality time with anyone because I was so focused on where we were going next and what time we had to be there. Not the case this year. The week I came in I spent all that time with my family and catching up with friends I only get to see once a year. I am sorry if you are my friend and are reading this and I didn't get to catch up with you...I'll make it up somehow I promise. During our 15 day visit...well my 15 Stu's 7 day visit we even managed to check out some real estate. We are trying to get back to Indiana, but this is a slow process. The jobs are just not there. So if you are reading this say a prayer that some jobs open up so we can come home. I miss Indiana and I miss family and friends. All my friends (well 90% at least HA!) all have children now and the thought of being able to all together with our kids is amazing. Here are some pictures from our visit.

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