Monday, November 29, 2010

Steve, Jackie and Gavin Visit

Best Buds!!
Originally uploaded by stuflannery
Jackie sent a message a few weeks ago asking if they could come and visit us...I think I screamed out loud with excitement when I read it. Jackie and Steve are two of my favorite people in the entire world. We have so much baby stuff still from Cohen that traveling to see us was easy.

THURSDAY: Jackie and Steve flew in and I picked them up from the airport. We visited a few hours when we got home and then went to bed.

FRIDAY:  Steve worked a little from the house and then we got lunch at R&O's by the house, walked around the neighborhood a little, took the boys in their strollers down to the market and picked up some food for dinner. Steve made a tasty dinner for all of us and just hung out talking, playing board games, and laughing all evening.

SATURDAY:  We woke up and headed to the Quarter. The boys pushed the babies in strollers while Jackie and I popped in and out of local shops. We decided to get some lunch so we waited in line along with 30 other people for a table. While standing in line I happened to look down notice Cohen had thrown up everywhere....all over everything (at this exact moment the line started moving). I think we all seemed to notice it at one time and we all went into "parent mode"....pulled out the extra set of clothes...extra diaper....wipes....blankets. It was really gross. I think I managed to change cohen's diaper and clothes in about 1 minute flat while still moving up in the line. In this chaos of vomit cleaning two young (probably 21) girls came out of the restaurant and stopped in front of us. To simplify things I will refer to these two girls and blonde and burnette. So blonde stops and realizes there is a (as in one) square of toilet paper stuck to her high heel...she says to burnette: "LIKE OH MY GOD....there is a piece of toilet paper stuck to my shoe that is LIKE so disgusting".  She said that while the four of us are cleaning puke out of a stroller and off of a baby. The look on Steve's face was priceless. He said he wanted to say "Oh yea....this is disgusting" and show them the puke stroller.

SUNDAY: We hung out Uptown at Audubon Park. We pushed the boys around for awhile and then laid out blankets under the trees, played washers, drank some wine, and talked. The last night of their visit Stu and I wanted to take Jackie and Steve out for dinner. After realizing Drago's was closed on Sundays we decided on Copeland's. This was a hilarious eventful evening. Trying to entertain two VERY fussy little ones while not disturbing other people in the restaurant is quite the challenge. Not only were our babies EXTREMELY loud and crying they were joined in by another fussy and crying baby over in our corner area. I guess when the hostess sees you coming with babies a big red flag goes up to stick "those" people in the corner. At first when they sat us we were all joking about being sat in the corner and by the end of the night we were thankful they sat us in the corner. It seemed like every time the other family's baby would start crying our two would start crying even louder. The hilarity of the situation set in and I just busted out laughing. I was laughing so hard I had tears streaming down my face. No one else seemed to think this was a funny and I did, but the more I thought about the situation the harder i would laugh. It was like a comic strip in a newspaper. I was just silently summing up the events from the day before and Cohen puking and then this....I couldn't help but to laugh.

The group of people behind us were obviously in their early twenties and were on a double date. You could tell by the expressions on their faces they were not happy to be sitting by us and all our baby stuff intended to keep our fussy babies quiet. Who invented these "happy" baby toys anyway...they sure were not working for us. I've never seen such fast service at a restaurant in the 3 years I have lived here...our waiter was obviously told to "get them out quick". To top off this crazy evening we all (minus Jackie who doesn't eat seafood) got sick and spent the night hugging toilets in my house.

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