Monday, November 29, 2010

Po Boy Festival - Oak Street, New Orleans

Po-Boy Festival
Originally uploaded by stuflannery
Music, po boys, art, and tons of people is my description of the po boy festival. We didn't make it out last year to this because I was just too pregnant and grouchy at that point. This year we fought traffic and finally found a spot on the railroad tracks to unload Cohen and his 100 things. We squeezed through thousands of people and listened to music and checked out local artists. After walking from one end of Oak street to the other we decided on which po boy we we're going to try and we went with the shrimp po boy, which was amazing...even Cohen loved it. We followed it with a frozen hot chocolate by Blue Frog Chocolate Company. Stu ate some chocolate covered crawfish chips....I politely declined tasting those and kept a close eye on him to make sure he wasn't sneaking one to Cohen. I am sure that if the delicious crawfish chips didn't agree with Cohen's tummy i would be the one cleaning the mess....not stu!!

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