Monday, May 10, 2010

Garage Sale

Stu and I had a garage sale on Saturday. We got up EARLY on Saturday and set up. Boy did we have a lot of stuff to get rid of. We live in a prime location for a garage sale and we had tons of people stop in and check out what we had. Here are a few pics:

The sale started at 9AM and we had people showing up at 8:45AM. I was in the house making us some coffee and Stu was selling his heart out. When I made it outside to help out I realized Stu had gotten excited...forgot the prices we talked about and was practically giving our stuff away for free...I had to regulate LOL!!  (Stu sells playstation2 and 5 games for $10...Andrea sells playstation2 and 1 game $25). I told him we have to make some money. We made an unbelievable $977 at our garage sale. It was a GREAT day. All the stuff we didn't sell was donated. Because of Stu's job we move A LOT and hauling this stuff with us every time we move is a big pain in the we were happy to see it go. 

1 comment:

aheacox13 said...

Andy does the opposite at our garage sales. He over prices everything! Haha!