Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cohen at 4 Months

Oh Cohen…you are quite the talker. Mommy and Daddy have no idea what you are saying but you just talk and talk and talk and talk. I’ve been told by Gramps that your daddy talked just as much as you do. When we turn the music on in the car we think you try to sing along…we are not sure…maybe you are yelling at us to turn it off. When I picked you up from daycare you talk up a storm. I ask about your day and I’m pretty sure you are trying to tell me how it was.

Here are some fun things about you this month:

- You have discovered the dogs…and you LOVE them. They DO NOT love you…yet. When the little furry one (Pedro) gets close you reach out and grab his fur and hold on for dear life. If you are on the floor Pedro tries to avoid you.
- You love Bosco (Boston Terrier) too. When you see him you just starting laughing and kicking your feet. You laugh a big deep belly laugh. Bosco just looks confused.
- You roll over from your back to your belly, but not from your belly to your back.
- You started sleeping on your stomach and it scares me to death.
- You love when dad takes a cup and pours it on your belly in the tub.
- You love being naked…you stand all proud when your diaper is off.
- You love being outside and going on walks.
- When you are hungry you mean business.
- You can’t fall asleep without your nooney (pacifier)
- When I go to pick you up from Marie’s house (your babysitter) all the little kids run over and point to you. It is hilarious.
- You had your first ear infection
- You went to Indiana for Easter.

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