Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Here are some funny things that have happened since Cohen's birth:

DRAGON BREATH:  (this is my personal favorite) the conversation goes like this:
Me:  (noticing a very weird look on Stu's face)
Me:  Stu? is everything ok? Why are you looking at the baby like that?
Stu: Good God the baby has some fierce dragon breath
Me:  What?  What are you talking about...give me the baby
Stu: here smell it
Me:  STUART...the baby pooped his pants and the smell is coming up through his blanket
US:  hysterical laughter!!!

HAIR SPRAY: (my mom was visiting)
Mom: I'll change his diaper
Me: sure...here you go (hand mom the baby and head into the kitchen to get a drink)
      (here a loud scream...go running into the dining room)
Mom: (hunched over shaking her head like there's a bee in her hair)
Me: MOM...what's wrong....what's wrong
Mom:  starts laughing
Me: confused?
Mom: Cohen peed in my hair
US:  laughing
Cohen: laying on the changing table asleep

SOFT SERVE: (Julie's visit)
Julie:  I'll change Cohen's diaper
Me: are you sure?
Julie:  Yeah
Me: OK...(hand her the baby)
Cohen:  (loud wet fart sounds coming from changing table)
Julie:  (panic noises and a bunch of Oh my Gosh...Oh My Gosh...stop stop stop...crap...yuck
Cohen: (fart fart fart)
Me:  (go into the dining room to see what my sister is Oh My Goshing about. I didn't think too much about all the fart noises because Cohen farts really loud all the time.)
Me: (My eyes grow big and I see the mess...Cohen has projectile pooed all over my sister...on the floor....on the changing table....all over two diapers and it just kept coming out and Julie just kept wiping and wiping and it wouldn't stop. It took me, stu, and Julie to get it under control. It was a mess!!

1 comment:

Olivia's Mommy said...

ha ha ha..I love it!! Poor Julie...stuff like that always seemed to happen to family members more than the parents :)