Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cohen's Birth

What a whirlwind I've been caught up in.  I'll rewind the last two and a half weeks:

December 2nd - I went in at 4:00PM for my induction. The reason I had to be induced was because the doctors wanted a full cardiology team on staff. A few weeks prior we found out Cohen had a heart abnormality and after seeing specialist after specialist no one could pin point what exactly was wrong with Cohen's heart.

We arrived at the hospital and got checked in and settled into our room. Our room was AWESOME!  We had a big view of the boats on the Mississippi River. The induction was started about 5:30PM. Stu and I watched movies most of the night. I was up the majority of the night because of all the IV fluids they were pumping through me and intense labor pains.

December 3rd - 5AM the doctors broke my water and at 6:15AM I got an epidural. The best decision I made. Stu and I played cards and watched movies for a few hours and I rested a bit. The Epidural is the way to go. I will post pictures later of us playing cards in the hospital room. The doctors and staff were cracking up.

Around 1PM they decided to have me start pushing and I was taken to the NICU to deliver. Since I was considered high risk because of Cohen's heart I couldn't deliver in my Labor and Delivery room.  I delivered in a room staffed with around 15-20 people....most of which were the cardiology team. After 40 minutes of pushing Cohen was born at 2:08. He weighed 7lbs 15oz and measured 21 1/4th inches long.  I got to see Cohen for about 30 seconds before they took him away. That was hard, but I understood they had to check him out right away. Stu got to spend some time with him before he had his echocardiogram done. His heart was fine, but we were told it is something they will have to monitor throughout his life. Thanks to everyone who lifted us up in prayer.

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