Monday, October 12, 2009


On September 24th Stu and I drove to Indiana for my baby shower. The drive was lllllloooooonnnnnnnnggggggg. I bet I peed 30 times before we got there. I just couldn’t get enough icees. They tell you to drink tons of fluid (I think they mean water…I like icees better) to stay hydrated, but you pay for it by peeing every 10 minutes. Stu didn’t complain once and neither did the dogs who came along for the ride. Every time I peed they got to go for a walk. I think they enjoyed the drive up, but were not happy about the 2ft by 2ft space they had to ride in on the way home. Hey…the gifts had to go somewhere!! I wish we would have taken a picture of the Sequoia because we looked liked the Clampetts. We had stuff stuck on top and in every nook and cranny we could find. The worst part of the drive home was knowing that when we pulled into the driveway we had to immediately unload the vehicle or risk getting all of our stuff stolen….crime is bad here…and houses don’t typically have garages.

Anyway…I had the most amazing time visiting my family. I had a bunch of family come in from out of town that I haven’t seen in a couple years. My Mom, sister, Nancy and Teri did such an amazing job on the baby shower. It was by far the prettiest most creative baby shower I have ever been too. The decorations were AWESOME!! See for yourself:

 Peple seemed to be disgusted with my poopy diaper game...well me and Stu's Aunt Nancy loved it.

Oh and my friend Coutrney's little girl Olivia picked a raisin out of the "poopy" diaper and ate it!!

The baby’s room (yes…he is still nameless) is Dr. Seuss so the baby shower theme was Dr. Seuss if you couldn't tell.

Thank you to everyone who made my day special!! 

1 comment:

Olivia's Mommy said...

it was good to see you and we all had a wonderful time :)