Monday, October 19, 2009

Don & Teri Visit

Don and Teri came in about 3PM on Friday. We sat and visited for about an hour and then headed to the French Quarter. We walked around and Teri and I shopped…well Teri got to shop…I’m too fat and pregnant to shop for clothes…it just makes me depressed. Teri got some really cute things at a store called Jackie’s!! All the walking around made us hungry so cruised over to Deanie’s and ate some stuffed crabs and shrimp and came home and crashed.

Saturday I had my work event so Stu and I headed downtown and took pictures for about an hour and then he took his dad and Teri to breakfast at the Blue Plate and then over to his jobsite (WWII Museum) and showed them around. Here are some great pics Teri took of the inside of the building.

Saturday afternoon we grabbed our camera and drove to Uptown. Uptown is full of vintage clothing shops and great art stores. Teri and I found a really neat French store and bought some soaps and candles. We stopped along the way and ate pizza at Theo’s (it was AMAZING). After pizza and full bellies we went back to the house and lounged for about an hour.

No one can come and visit without a trip to City Park…it is my favorite place in the city…so we grabbed the cameras and drove over to the park which is about ½ a mile from our house. Here are some pictures of the park we all took. I’m not sure who took which pictures, but they are beautiful.

Sunday morning Don and Teri left and Stu and I spent our day being lazy! We did however carve some pretty cool pumpkins.

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