Monday, August 8, 2011

Children's Museum

We've been trying to stay as busy as possible on the weekends to help pass the time, but we are limited to indoor activities because of the crazy heat down here. Most days with the heat index we are 105 +. I'm pregnant and not very friendly in the heat. We took Cohen to the Children's Museum downtown New Orleans and to my surprise it was awesome!!  Sometimes down here you just don't know what to expect. Cohen had so much fun playing in the pretend cafe where he served us plastic fruits and veggies. He ran around in the "up to 3" play area for at least an hour. He didn't stop the entire time we were there. Stu did most of the chasing...I'm just to big and tired at the moment. After the museum we walked down tot he WWII Museum Stu was a part of building and picked up a couple posters. He wore himself out because he took a 4 hour nap when we got home. 

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