Thursday, June 17, 2010

Destin - Family Vacation

Our first family vacation was to Destin, FL. We had so much fun. We are very blessed to have such a good baby that actually makes vacationing with a 6 month old easy. He's not fussy. He hardly cries. He sleeps through the night. He sleeps in late. He is just a very laid back little man who is so funny.

We got up about 7AM on Wednesday morning. Got Cohen dressed and headed out for a 5 hour drive to Destin. We stopped at Shoney's and hit up the breaskfast buffet...boy was it good. So with full bellies and excitement we drove to Destin.

Our condo was great. Our view was great. The condo was huge. The pool was nice. The beach was beautiful!  It was awesome. We upacked the cooler and of course headed straight for the beach. To my surprise Cohen was scared of the waves. He clung to me hard every time the waves came in.

We were a little concerned about whether or not the oil spill had affected the area we were staying in, but it hadn't yet. The day we left the tar balls starting washing up on shore. So we planned or vacation right in time.

On day two of use being there we got up early and went to wal-mart to pick up some food and we happened to run across a very AWESOME walker....cohen just had to have. We hurried up...checked out....and drove home to put Cohen's new walker together.  We figured it might take him a little while to figure out how to operate it, but boy were we wrong. As soon as his little legs hit the ground he took off. Check out the video on flickr. He had us laughing so hard.

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