Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Bestest Birthday!

Not to brag...but I'm sure my birthday was better than yours (that is to anyone reading this blog)!  My husband is the best and spolied me rotten this year. He went on gift overload and I enjoyed every second of it.
Here are a few of the things ma sweetie got me:
Tickets to see "CATS"                                                                      
A new handbag                                                                                   
My favorite perfume
Sweetpea my favorite Bath & Body
and to top it all off he even got me something sweet to eat (not like I need it)
I just love him!! 

1 comment:

indybarb said...

Alex has that same exact purse! I bought if for her last week and I am jealous! It's a gorgeous purse. I want to borrow it. Her's looks a little more gold than yellow though : )