Monday, August 8, 2011

Stu's 32nd Birthday!!

Stu has been trying to make healthier choices when it comes to eating, but I know that has to be insanely difficult with me around, because I'm eating tons or bad food every day now. I can't help it...I'm pregnant and I crave it so i have zero will power and I eat it. I thought for his birthday I would take into consideration that he was trying to make healthy choices to i picked up sugar free chocolate pudding and some low calorie low fat whip cream to top it off with. I told Stu about his birthday dessert and he didn't seem thrilled....Oops...I tried!  Stu said he wanted a cake....but not just any ol' regular birthday cake...he wanted a cookie cake.

Stu had been going on and on and on and on for the past several months about wanting an ipod touch and I keep telling him that Dave Ramsey wouldn't agree with the purchase (we've been doing Dave Ramsey's financial peace university for almost a year now).  HOWEVER....we do have a budget category for birthday gifts (we have a large family) so Stu got his ipod touch for his birthday. He seriously didn't put it down for 4 days. I got a lot of you are the best wife ever compliments...HA!!

Oh back to the cookie Stu wanted a cookie cake. I got online to order one from the Great Cook Company and I about passed out from the price ($42) I had to come up with Plan B. There was no way i could get the ipod touch and the $42 cookie cake. Stu and I happened to be in Sam's Club the weekend before his birthday and I saw a great big cookie cake...a 5lbs 6oz cookie cake ($14)....we are still eating it.

He was trying to hard to get into this thing. 

He DID NOT want his picture taken.....he just wanted to eat this giant cookie. 

Children's Museum

We've been trying to stay as busy as possible on the weekends to help pass the time, but we are limited to indoor activities because of the crazy heat down here. Most days with the heat index we are 105 +. I'm pregnant and not very friendly in the heat. We took Cohen to the Children's Museum downtown New Orleans and to my surprise it was awesome!!  Sometimes down here you just don't know what to expect. Cohen had so much fun playing in the pretend cafe where he served us plastic fruits and veggies. He ran around in the "up to 3" play area for at least an hour. He didn't stop the entire time we were there. Stu did most of the chasing...I'm just to big and tired at the moment. After the museum we walked down tot he WWII Museum Stu was a part of building and picked up a couple posters. He wore himself out because he took a 4 hour nap when we got home. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

28 weeks 4 days pregnant belly

Here are my most recent belly shots. I am 28 weeks and 4 days pregnant.

4th of July Weekend

4th of July weekend was hot and miserable, BUT our neighbors/friends let us use their pool all weekend so it made the hot miserable weather more tolerable. Being pregnant in the summer is not fun. We spent the weekend in the pool, grilling out, and watching fireworks on the river. Cohen was a little scared of the fireworks, but after about 5 minutes he got used to them. Oh...and we got him a new pair of Toy Story shoes and a new Woody doll. Toy Story is his favorite thing in the world right now.

Rag Quilts and Burp Cloths

One of my best friends back home (Indiana) is having a little girl a month before me so I have been sewing up a storm for both our girls. I made Katie's little girl a rag quilt and some burp cloths. I'm in the process of making a few pillowcase dresses which I'll post pictures of later.

We have raccoons

According to Parker Wildlife we have a "den" of raccoons in our attic. When i asked how many I was told at least 5. The company has been out here for two weeks trying to trap all of them.


 I have been doing flashcards with Cohen on Monday's for months now and it's so exciting to watch his progress. He knows 30 flashcards. He can't say all 30 but he knows what they are if you ask him. His favorites are boat, apple, call, and girl.

Cohen loves our shoes

Cohen has an obsession with shoes, which i'm sure you've seen in some of the other videos on my blog. 

First Taste of Cake Batter

I made vanilla cupcakes with lemon icing for Stu. I let Cohen lick the beaters....he loved the cake batter and it was fun watching him eat it and his eyes light up.

Destin Trip with Gramps and Mimi

This was such a fun trip! Hopefully we get to do a similar trip next year. We went in a day earlier then expected so the extra day was really nice. Our condo was fantastic and more than I expected. You never know what you are going to get sometimes based off of pictures you saw on a website and i was very surprised at how nice our condo was. The weather was great...the beach was great...the pool was amazing, and the company was great. The best thing about the beach was they allowed tents so we bought a great big tent and put that up on the beach everyday to sit under.

Don and Teri went grocery shopping before we arrived so we ate most of our meals at the condo, which kept it cheap.

The view from our balcony

Cohen made a friend at the pool....they took turns throwing a ball

Riding his motorcycle

Our family

Gramps and Mimi

We ate crabs at Pmpano Joe's and cohen was a GROUCH!

Ketchup kept him happy for a little bit

Gramps was Cohen's best friend the entire trip

Gramps, Mimi and Cohen

All 4 of us....I'm about 25 weeks pregnant with Cohen's little sister

Mimi and Cohen playing in the ocean

Isn't the water pretty

Cohen was a wild man at the beach....he wore everyone including himself out. He took a nap at the beach every day 

Playing with Daddy in the sand

Someone else dug the hole, when they left we claimed it =)

We had such a great time with Gramps and Mimi.