Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So Stu and I decided since we are both to busy (some might say lazy) in the morning to make breakfast we were going to make breakfast burritos (enough for the week). We have been on a health kick lately and decided to make these burritos as healthy as we possibly can. We both love sausage and realized that in order to maintain the healthy burrito we envisioned that sausage was a big no no. Sad. As I'm pushing my grocery cart through Rouses (our local grocery store) I see it...across the aisle there it was on the shelf....TOFU!!! Hum...I thought to myself could they possibly have tofu sausage....sure enough they did. Second thought....how was I going to convince Stu to eat it. 

I got home and introduced Stu to the tofu...to my surprise he had no reaction. We set up our burrito assembly line and began cooking our tofu sausage. Neither of us knew what to expect or how to cook it. Then the big moment came...which one of us was going to taste it first and make sure it wasn't too disgusting to put in the burrito...so...we did what any normal person in a conflicting situation would do...challenged the other one to a game of paper, rock, scissors....best 2 out of 3 loser had to try the tofu first. YES!!! I WIN!!! Stu had to try the tofu.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Settling in

After three weeks of going through boxes and boxes of each other's things...this is how the apartment turned out. We love it!!!

Obviously the dogs find it quite comfy too!!!